LNG vs MAD Highlights Day 3 Worlds 2021 Group Stage LNG Esports vs MAD Lions by Onivia

3 years ago

So it appears that we can only upload worlds highlights 24hours after the games or broadcast has ended. https://twitter.com/RiotCreatorSupp/status/1445487168177139716 So from today onwards, you will find highlights later than usual. We hope that in next season things will go back to normal.. Hey guys, from now on you will see my face reacting randomly to video stuff so that we can avoid reused content and copyright issues... LNG vs MAD Highlights Day 3 Worlds 2021 Group Stage LNG Esports vs MAD Lions by Onivia Full Series/Day playlist: https://www.onivia.com/FullDay Check out Arcane Bet review on our site https://onivia.com/arcane-bet-review/ Check out our Valorant highlights channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtrk5f1azRrepq2mShGMqSA You can find all our highlights on our website onivia.com Thank you for watching our highlights. We are working hard to get them to you within 10 minutes after the games have ended. Last season we started to upload Full day highlights and all game highlights that contain highlights of every game played on the given day. We saw that you liked them, so we will keep them. For 2020 we will be uploading LCS highlights, LEC highlights, LCK highlights, and LPL highlights. In addition, we will upload VCS highlights for the spring season to see how you like those. Whenever you want to watch lol esports highlights be sure to come back to Onivia highlights channel. Like us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/oniviagames/ Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/oniviagames Watch Vods on LoLEventVods - https://www.youtube.com/user/LoLeventVoDs Get spoiler-free experience on https://eventvods.com Permission https://imgur.com/a/KsppxRB



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