The Last Apex Clamberjaw Ruined Everything! | Horizon Forbidden West Ultra Hard What's up guys! Hope you've all been having a great weekend and welcome back for more Horizon Forbidden West Ultra Hard New Game Plus gameplay on PS5 performance mode in 4k 60fps. Today we'll be revisiting the Apex Clamberjaws but on Ultra Hard Difficulty in this almost No Damage Fight (the last Clamberjaw ruined everything). We will be using the chain burst valor surge combined with frost arrows to make easy work of most of the Clamberjaws in the area, and of course a few watchers want to get involved. Hope you all enjoy today's HFW gameplay and thank you all for watching! 🙏 Don't forget to drop a LIKE on the video if you enjoyed the gameplay and consider SUBSCRIBING if you're new to the channel for more Horizon gameplay on PlayStation 5 in 4K 60fps 👍 SEARCH TERMS horizon forbidden west gameplay horizon forbidden west ps5 gameplay horizon forbidden west ultra hard horizon forbidden west new game plus horizon forbidden west performance mode horizon forbidden west apex machines horizon forbidden west apex clamberjaw horizon forbidden west monkey machine horizon forbidden west 4k 60fps horizon forbidden west no hud gameplay horizon forbidden west chain burst valor hfw gameplay hfw ps5 4k 60fps hzd forbidden west horizon gameplay ps5 horizon forbidden west holding cell games #HorizonForbiddenWest #ForbiddenWestUltraHard #PS5