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NewsCowardly Watchers & Broken Apex Slaughterspine on Ultra Hard | Horizon Forbidden West What's good guys! Welcome back for more Horizon Forbidden West Ultra Hard New Game Plus gameplay on PS5 performance mode in 4K 60fps. Today we'll be taking down an Apex Slaughterspine with just the Death-Seeker's Shadow Legendary Hunter Bow and without taking damage, but the doesn't seem bothered about making an effort to fight. What the hell is going on with the machines!. I'll be redoing this fight for obvious reason, hopefully it's not as brutal as I imagine it to be lol. Hope you all enjoy today's HFW Ultra Hard gameplay and thanks for watching! Don't forget to drop a LIKE on the video and SUBSCRIBE if you're new to the channel for more Horizon Forbidden West 4k 60fps gameplay on PlayStation 5 👍 SEARCH TERMS horizon forbidden west gameplay horizon forbidden west ps5 horizon forbidden west ultra hard horizon forbidden west new game plus horizon forbidden west death seeker shadow horizon forbidden west 4k 60fps horizon forbidden west apex slaughterspine hfw slaughter spine horizon 2 forbidden west horizon zero dawn 2 gameplay horizon forbidden west performance mode hfw ps5 gameplay hfw 4k 60fps horizon forbidden west holding cell games horizon hunter bow forbidden west #HorizonForbiddenWest #ForbiddenWestUltraHard #Horizon #PS5