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NewsSlaughterspine Fight Without Touching The Ground 2.0 | Horizon Forbidden West Ultra Hard Welcome back guys for more Horizon Forbidden West Ultra Hard New Game Plus gameplay on PS5 performance mode in 4K 60fps. Today we have another machine fight without touching the ground (version 2.0) this time going up against a Slaughterspine on Ultra Hard Difficulty. Just like last time we'll be using both the Sunwing and Clawstrider mounts to avoid touching the ground while doing consistent damage to this beast. Do you think the guys over at Guerrilla Games will enjoy this one more than the Thunderjaw fight? Let me know what you think and if you want to see more gameplay like this in the COMMENTS section š Don't forget to drop a LIKE on the video if you enjoy and SUBSCRIBE if you're new to the channel for more Horizon Forbidden West Ultra Hard Gameplay on PS5 4K 60fps! Thank you all for watching and will see you in the next video! š GEAR USED Tenakth Reaver Outfit (Tenakth Dragoon appearance transmog) The Skykiller Legendary Spike Thrower ( Not Fully Upgraded) Death-Seeker's Shadow Legendary Hunter Bow (Fully Upgraded) Ancestor's Return legendary Shredder Gauntlet (Fully Upgraded) The Forgefall Legendary Sharpshot Bow (Fully Upgraded) The Sun Scourge Legendary Hunter Bow (Fully Upgraded) Barrage Blastsling (Fully Upgraded) Sunwing and Clawstrider Mounts! SEARCH TERMS horizon forbidden west gameplay horizon forbidden west ps5 gameplay horizon forbidden west ultra hard gameplay horizon forbidden west new game plus gameplay horizon forbidden west performance mode gameplay horizon forbidden west 4k 60fps gameplay horizon forbidden west slaughterspine horizon forbidden west legendary weapons slaughterspine fight without touching the ground forbidden west mounts horizon guerrilla games hfw gameplay hfw ps5 gameplay hfw 4k 60fps gameplay hzd forbidden west gameplay horizon forbidden west holding cell games #HorizonForbiddenWest #ForbiddenWestUltraHard #Horizon2 #PS5