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NewsWhich Override is Stronger? Thunderjaw VS Tremortusk on Ultra Hard | Horizon Forbidden West Welcome back guys for more Horizon Forbidden West Ultra Hard New Game Plus gameplay on PS5 performance mode 60fps in 4K and the next Machine Master Gameplay. Today we have a special Machine VS Machine fight with this Thunderjaw and Tremortusk on Ultra Hard Difficulty which is only possible during the side quest "The Valley of the Fallen". In this video we'll see which override is stronger by overriding each machine in a two round fight and without any outfit buffs. Which machine do you think will be victorious? Let me know in the COMMENTS! 👇 Hope you all enjoy today's HFW ultra hard gameplay and thank you all for watching and supporting the channel 👍 In tomorrow's Forbidden West gameplay we'll be fighting both these machines without taking damage. SEARCH TERMS horizon forbidden west gameplay horizon forbidden west ps5 gameplay horizon forbidden west machine master horizon forbidden west ultra hard horizon forbidden west new game plus horizon forbidden west ng+ ultra hard horizon forbidden west the valley of the fallen horizon forbidden west side quest horizon forbidden west performance mode horizon forbidden west 4k 60fps forbidden west thunderjaw forbidden west tremortusk hzd forbidden west hfw gameplay hfw ps5 gameplay hfw 4k 60fps gameplay horizon forbidden west holdingcell games #HorizonForbiddenWest #ForbiddenWestUltraHard #ForbiddenWestMachineMaster #PS5