Apex Stormbird On Timeout To Deal With Apex Dreadwing [VERY HARD] Horizon Forbidden West

2 years ago

Apex Stormbird On Timeout To Deal With Apex Dreadwing [VERY HARD] Horizon Forbidden West What's good guys! Welcome back for more Horizon Forbidden West PS5 gameplay Performance mode 60fps in 4k resolution. Today we have the Apex Stormbird & Apex Dreadwing fight which turns into a 1v1 while the Stormbird is on Timeout (as long as the Stormbird is flying above this location then you can maroon this stupid bird without issue to deal with the Dreadwing and the Stormbird also won't try to attack Aloy or fly back) Hope you enjoy today's gameplay for HFW and thank you all for your love and support on the channel 🙏🙏 Yesterday was a big day for Horizon fans as we finally get New Game plus, Ultra Hard Difficulty and many more fixes in the recent Forbidden West patch 1.15. Here's the complete patch notes for the recent update - https://mp1st.com/news/horizon-forbidden-west-update-1-15-released-for-new-game-this-june-2 I have a few Horizon 2 gameplay vids that have been scheduled for upload, so expect Ultra Hard gameplay later next week (currently blazing through the main story) Let me know in the COMMENTS if you have already started NG+ Ultra Hard or if you're still on your first playthrough? SEARCH TERMS horizon forbidden west gameplay, horizon forbidden west ps5 gameplay, horizon forbidden west ps4, horizon forbidden west very hard gameplay, horizon forbidden west new patch 1.15, horizon forbidden west new game plus, horizon forbidden west ultra hard, forbidden west apex stormbird, forbidden west apex dreadwing, forbidden west no damage fight, horizon forbidden west performance mode, horizon forbidden west 4k resolution, hzd forbidden west gameplay, hzd forbidden west ps5, hfw gameplay, hfw ps5 gameplay, horizon forbidden west holdingcell games #HorizonForbiddenWest #ForbiddenWestPS5 #Horizon2



2 years ago