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NewsHorizon Forbidden West | Apex Slaughterspine Fight on a Charger Mount Welcome back guys for more Horizon Forbidden West gameplay on PS5 performance mode 60fps in 4K resolution and the next Mounted Archer gameplay. Today we have an Apex Slaughterspine fight on Very Hard Difficulty while on a Charger mount (With a few leaplashers in the area) Unfortunately I couldn't get through the entire fight without getting knocked off the mount, might be because of all the dead leaplashers getting in the way lol. Hope you all enjoy today's HFW gameplay and if you want to see more Mounted Archer gameplay then let me know in the comments down below which Apex Machine I should try next. Thanks for watching! 👍 GEAR USED Tenakth Dragoon Outfit Marshal Hunter Bow The Sun Scourge (legendary Hunter Bow) Barrage Blastsling The Skykiller (legendary spike thrower) SEARCH TERMS horizon forbidden west gameplay horizon forbidden west ps5 gameplay horizon forbidden west ps4 horizon forbidden west strongest machine horizon forbidden west apex machines horizon forbidden west apex slaughterspine horizon forbidden west leaplasher horizon forbidden west fastest mount horizon forbidden west charger mount returns forbidden west 4k 60fps gameplay forbidden west performance mode forbidden west resolution mode horizon forbidden west very hard difficulty horizon gameplay horizon zero dawn 2 hfw gameplay hfw ps5 gameplay hfw 4k 60fps gameplay forbidden west holdingcell games #HorizonForbiddenWest #ForbiddenWestApexSlaughterspine #PS5