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NewsSnapmaw VS Apex Snapmaw But Shellsnapper Steals The Show | Horizon Forbidden West What's going on guys! Welcome back for more Horizon Forbidden West gameplay on PS5 performance mode 60fps at 4K resolution and the newest Machine Master gameplay. Today we have Overridden Snapmaw VS Apex Snapmaw but the override ended so had to change it up by overriding the Shellsnapper to finish off the remaining Snapmaws (honestly thought I had the Tenakth Recon outfit on) but it worked out in the end. Hope you guys enjoy the gameplay and thanks for watching! P.S I might be cutting down on the amount of HFW content soon! SEARCH TERMS horizon forbidden west gameplay horizon forbidden west ps5 horizon forbidden west ps4 horizon forbidden west 4k resolution horizon forbidden west performance mode horizon forbidden west 60fps 4k horizon forbidden west snapmaw horizon forbidden west apex snapmaw horizon forbidden west returning machines horizon forbidden west shellsnapper horizon forbidden west tenakth reaver horizon forbidden west tenakth recon hfw gameplay hfw ps5 horizon 2 gameplay horizon zero dawn 2 hfw 4k 60fps forbidden west gameplay 4k horizon forbidden west holdingcell games #HorizonForbiddenWest #HorizonMachineMaster #Horizon2 #PS5