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NewsUnderwater Mating Ritual For Tiderippers | Horizon Forbidden West What's going on guys! Welcome back for more Horizon Forbidden West gameplay on PS5 performance mode in 4k 60fps. Today we have another clip showing how messed up the machine AI can be in Horizon 2, I was hoping they would have an epic underwater Tideripper battle but instead we witness what looks like a mating ritual (seeing 3 Tiderippers underwater is terrifying AF). Hope you enjoy this short clip of machines acting strange and thanks for watching! 👍 Tomorrow's HFW gameplay will be the start of a NEW challenge with the Shredder Gauntlet, if you're a fan of the weapon then you won't want to miss it! NEW Horizon Forbidden West UPDATE dropped today, Here's a link for PATCH NOTES 1.12 HFW 👇 https://mp1st.com/news/horizon-forbidden-west-update-1-12-out-for-progression-fixes-more-this-april-20 All gameplay this week is pre patch 1.12, Hopefully this new update will fix a few of the issues we've been having lately. Let me know in the comments if this new patch made it worse or better for YOU. SEARCH TERMS horizon forbidden west gameplay horizon forbidden west ps5 gameplay horizon forbidden west ps4 forbidden west 4k 60fps horizon 2 performance mode ps5 hfw gameplay hfw ps5 gameplay horizon forbidden west tideripper horizon forbidden west underwater machines horizon forbidden west new machines horizon 2 fastest machine horizon zero dawn 2 gameplay horizon forbidden west glitch horizon forbidden west bug horizon forbidden west holdingcell games horizon forbidden west new update horizon forbidden west patch 1.12 #HorizonForbiddenWest #ForbiddenWestGlitch #Horizon2Update #HorizonForbiddenWestNewMachines #PS5