Fire Clawstrider & Widemaw VS 2 Apex Widemaws | Horizon Forbidden West

2 years ago

Fire Clawstrider & Widemaw VS 2 Apex Snapmaws | Horizon Forbidden West What's going on guys! Welcome back for more Horizon Forbidden West gameplay on PS5 performance mode 60fps 4k and the next machine master gameplay. We're still going with the Clawstrider with an epic fight between 2 Apex Snapmaws VS Fire Clawstrider & Widemaw friend. The next Machine Master gameplay will be the last one featuring the Clawstrider and it's the best one yet. Hope you all enjoy the gameplay and thank you for your continued support on the series 👍 I have a few challenge fights coming to the channel soon + I'll be posting something in the community tab for you to vote for the type of HFW content you want to see more of. SEARCH TERMS horizon forbidden west gameplay horizon forbidden west ps5 gameplay horizon 2 gameplay horizon zero dawn 2 gameplay hfw gameplay hfw ps5 gameplay horizon forbidden west 4k 60fps gameplay hfw 4k 60fps horizon forbidden west machine master skill tree horizon forbidden west machine vs machine horizon forbidden west apex machines horizon forbidden west widemaw horizon forbidden west hippo machine horizon forbidden west performance mode horizon forbidden west clawstrider mount #HorizonForbiddenWestCombat #HorizonForbiddenWestMachineMaster #HorizonForbiddenWestWidemaw #PS5



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