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NewsHorizon Forbidden West | Apex Leaplasher VS Fire Clawstrider - Machine Master Gameplay What's going on guys! Welcome back for more Horizon Forbidden West gameplay on PS5 performance mode 60fps (4K) and the next machine master gameplay. Today we have our Fire Clawstrider mount VS two Apex Leaplashers on Very Hard difficulty, these kangaroo machines can be tough, even more than a Heavyweight machine. Good thing we have our Clawstrider to take care of them (This is a great method for getting extra shards without wasting ammo). A few more Clawstrider battles coming to the channel and after that I'll let him rest for a bit lol. Hope you enjoy the gameplay and thanks for watching ๐ Tomorrow's HFW gameplay will be Acid Bellowback VS Tremortusk!! SEARCH TERMS horizon forbidden west gameplay horizon forbidden west ps5 gameplay forbidden west gameplay horizon 2 gameplay hfw gameplay hfw ps5 gameplay horizon zero dawn 2 gameplay horizon forbidden west apex machines horizon forbidden west apex leaplasher horizon 2 kangaroo machine horizon forbidden west clawstrider mount horizon forbidden west machine master skill tree forbidden west machine gameplay horizon forbidden west performance mode hfw 4k 60fps horizon 2 4k hfw ps4 #HorizonForbiddenWestMachineMaster #HorizonForbiddenWest #Horizon2Leaplasher #PS5