What does a some service's data leak mean for you? Still don’t have an online protection app? Get NordVPN now. News about a website or service being hacked and users’ passwords being stolen is common these days. But what does it mean for you? *** 🔔 Subscribe to get the latest content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSZhRxyloC-qzURiOa3vbFQ?sub_confirmation=1 *** Usernames and passwords give hackers access to more data. Just think of the information you send over email. Or what would happen if someone got into your online banking system. Using the same login details for different platforms and services can be very dangerous, and changing passwords from time to time is a must. But let’s be honest - who isn’t guilty of taking this advice lightly. Even if you don’t think that any of your account data might have been leaked, we recommend checking it at https://haveibeenpwned.com/. Enter your email address and see if someone got to your data. Just a note: please be aware that your credentials may have been leaked even if your email address doesn’t get flagged. Take back control of your online privacy with NordVPN!