Digital Footprint Explained | NordVPN

6 years ago

What is a digital footprint and why should you care? Learn about it in this video. **** 🔔 Subscribe to get the latest content: **** Almost every move you make on the internet adds up to your digital fingerprint. What is it? Basically, it’s all the data you leave behind while browsing the web. Every internet user has their digital footprint. It’s how the internet works. What’s terrifying, your digital footprint may contain much more data about you than you assume. Not only is it what YOU share online – posting photos and writing posts on social media, tweeting, commenting, participating in discussions, etc. It’s also the data you leave behind without intending to do so. For example, websites can inject cookies into your device without disclosing it to you and silently harvest data about your browsing history, purchasing habits, and even login details. Also, websites can see your IP address, which reveals your approximate location. You can change your IP address with NordVPN. Combining this data collected in the background with the info you willingly share online draws a quite detailed picture of who you are. So should you care about your digital footprint? Yes, definitely. Criminals may gather data about your personal life details and use it against you. Advertisers can commercialize your data by building user profiles and serving you targeted ads. Moreover, your digital footprint may affect your future career. It’s common practice for employers to look up potential candidates on the internet. Even though you can’t make your data trail go away completely, you can still manage it. Make sure your digital footprint is accurate but does not reveal too much. Always think twice before sharing content online and fine-tune your privacy settings. Finally, get a VPN, such NordVPN, to protect your IP address and make your actions online untraceable. Remember, your digital footprint is an image of you that is open for the world to see. So make it a good one – and private enough. Stay private online with NordVPN.

