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NewsWebRTC leaks: what are they and how to prevent them? If you’re not familiar with WebRTC, it stands for Web Real-Time Communication. Get NordVPN here: https://nordvpn.com *** 🔔 Subscribe to get the latest content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSZhRxyloC-qzURiOa3vbFQ?sub_confirmation=1 *** WebRTC is an open-source protocol that enables browsers to communicate with each other in real time with a help of simple Javascript APIs. Thanks to WebRTC, browsers and web apps support video chats, voice calling and instant file sharing. Sounds great, right? But there’s a catch. WebRTC establishes communication channels from the browser to the website you’re visiting to exchange information, including your local and public IP addresses. So, any website you visit can potentially request and access your real IP address – despite a VPN. Now, a leaking IP address sure poses a threat for privacy. It is important to mention you’re vulnerable to WebRTC leaks only if you use Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Opera, as these browsers have WebRTC enabled by default. However, this browser security vulnerability can’t really be “fixed” because it relies on the basic functionality of WebRTC. It’s up to a user to find ways to block these leaks or disable WebRTC entirely. So what about VPN? Are you safe from WebRTC leaks when using NordVPN? The answer is yes. NordVPN is engineered to be leak-proof. It blocks any IP address leaks through WebRTC while allowing authorized WebRTC connections to continue under your anonymous IP address. Get NordVPN here: https://nordvpn.com