Rocket League Knockout Bash Trailer

2 years ago

Introducing Knockout Bash, Rocket League's newest in-game event! Survive the frenzy of Knockout LTM and unlock Spring-themed rewards. Knockout Bash kicks off with Knockout, a new Limited Time Mode where only the strong survive. Many of your Soccar skills will carry over, but you’ll need to master the new Attack, Block, and Grab mechanics to come out victorious! Even the most mighty rocketeers need the occasional pit stop, so take a moment to unlock soothing Spring rewards and free Golden Gift Baskets by completing in-game Challenges. Twitch viewers will also be able to receive the Bob’s Ramen Player Banner Twitch Drop throughout Knockout Bash by watching their favorite Rocket League streamers on their quest for domination. Knockout Bash will be live in-game from April 27 to May 10. #RocketLeague #RocketLeagueKnockoutBash #KnockoutBash

