Read more about Efe and her story: Growing up in Nigeria, Generation17 Young Leader Efe Johnson experienced firsthand how a lack of access to women’s health education can create a cycle of silence and shame among young girls. Through her organization, Xari Africa, she strives to deliver safe and accessible reproductive and sexual health education to one million teenage girls across Africa. Through school visits and online academies, Xari Africa helps girls take control of their bodies and their futures. Generation17 is an initiative in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) that aims to harness technology to elevate the voices of young leaders around the globe who are working to achieve the Global Goals in less than 10 years. Established by the United Nations in 2015, the Global Goals—or Sustainable Development Goals—provide a framework to address pressing global challenges including poverty, inequality, climate change, peace and justice, to build a better future for all by 2030. To get involved, visit the Samsung Global Goals app here: #Generation17 #GlobalGoals #SamsungGlobalGoals #Samsung