​ Blades of Brim 2.7 Update Trailer

8 years ago

​The new update of Blade of Brim is out! You’ve asked for them, here they are: meet the Elemental Goons! Can you defeat them with new weapons, powers and pets? :) This update brings a lot new stuff, read all about them here: - Isaac gets the Diviner armor set. - Show your strength with 3 new weapons. - Ride a skeleton dragon and a flying wolf. - You can now enjoy weapon powers on any weapons! - Gain extra rewards for completing missions at Level 30 - Multiply your Score Bonus by doing Combo hits, instead of gaining a fixed bonus. - Score Bonus is now rewarded based on type AND rarity for Weapons, Armor Pieces and Pets. - Adjusted the Score Bonus gain from player level. Update your game now: http://sybogames.com/blades-of-brim



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