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NewsIn this League of Legends Champion guide, Venzer shows us how to play the LoL Champ Ezreal. Thanks for the spotlight Venzer! We hope you enjoyed this video, if so please give it a 'Like'! Why not visit our headline sponsor OMEN by HP whilst you are at it: https://rebrand.ly/xLxOMEN We would also be really grateful if you could please subscribe to our channel for all future content, and feel free to visit our other pages below: Twitter: https://twitter.com/exceL Website: http://exceLeSports.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/exceLeSportsltd Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/exceL_eSports Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/exceL_eSports Visit our Partners: Scuf - https://scufgaming.com/ Cooler Master - http://eu.coolermaster.com/uk/ Zip Buddy - http://www.zipbuddy.co.uk/shop.php?action=index SpecialEffect - http://www.specialeffect.org.uk/ GamersApparel - https://gamersapparel.co.uk/store/excel_esports