Welcome NiP Lekr0

6 years ago

Today is a big day for the Ninjas as we announce the addition of the Swedish star-player Jonas “Lekr0” Olofsson to our starting roster in Counter-Strike. Olofsson will be replacing one of our youngest players, William “draken” Sundin, who will be moved to a substitute position as we assess the future composition of the team. Full statement: https://nip.gl/article/lekr0-arrives-to-ninjas-in-pyjamas/ Get your official NiP merchandise at https://shop.nip.gl/ Use the code "NIPFAMILY" for a 5% discount on your purchase. Join the Ninjas: http://nip.gl/JoinTheNinjas Visit our website: https://www.nip.gl/ https://facebook.com/NiPGaming https://twitter.com/NiPGaming https://instagram.com/NiPGaming https://weibo.com/NiPGaming https://vk.com/NiPGaming The players: Christopher "GeT_RiGhT" Alesund https://twitter.com/GeT_RiGhTcs Patrik "f0rest" Lindberg https://twitter.com/f0restCS Fredrik "REZ" Sterner https://twitter.com/REZcsgo Dennis "dennis" Edman https://twitter.com/denniscsgod Jonas "Lekr0" Olofsson https://twitter.com/Lekr0cs William "draken" Sundin https://twitter.com/drakenCSGO Casters: Matthew "Sadokist" Trivett https://twitter.com/Sadokist Henry "HenryG" Greer https://twitter.com/HenryGcsgo Vincent "zescht" Talmon-Gros https://twitter.com/zescht James Bardolph https://twitter.com/jamesbardolph Alex "Machine" Richardson https://twitter.com/MACHINEgg Janko "YNk" Paunovic https://twitter.com/YNk Daniel "ddk" Kapadia https://twitter.com/ddkesports Created by akidos https://twitter.com/NiPakidos https://www.youtube.com/akidos Intro photo https://www.hltv.org/ Intro photo edited by Kristopher "stoffies" Brogren https://twitter.com/tweetstoffies Music Niklas Ahlström - Lights Out Work Out 1



RED + HyperX na BGS thumbnail
6 years ago