實況精華 Stream Highlights | Kaiwing | 50太少!集滿 200 訂閱就脫!

3 years ago

你以為只有金銀銅會有打 LoL 三大幻覺? Kaiwing 親自操作告訴你連他也會!甚至誇下海口只要滿 200 訂閱就再脫一次!   喜歡我們的影片請大力地點擊喜歡 👍 ,也別忘記訂閱我們並開啟小鈴鐺喔~🔔 - Do you think that only gold, silver and bronze will have the three hallucinations of playing LoL? Kaiwing tells you that even he himself will have it! He even vowed to take off his clothes once he gets more than 200 subscriptions!   If you'd like to see more of this type of content, click the like 👍 and subscribe button to let us know!🔔 - 關注 Talon 各種資訊 Follow us on Social Media   Instagram ---- https://www.instagram.com/psg_talonlol/ ​Twitter --------- https://twitter.com/PSG_Talon Facebook ---- https://www.facebook.com/psgtalonlol ​Twitch --------- https://www.twitch.tv/talonesports - #Stream​ #Highlights​ #SOARWITHTALON #LOL - 感謝合作夥伴 Thanks to our partners: ​RECARO ----------- https://www.talon.gg/pages/recaro ​ViewGear ----------- https://viewgeargaminghk.com/ AORUS ------------- https://www.aorus.com/ ​TWITCH ------------ https://www.twitch.tv/

