Embarrassing An Apex Shellsnapper | Horizon Forbidden West

2 years ago

Embarrassing An Apex Shellsnapper | Horizon Forbidden West Welcome back guys for more Horizon Forbidden West gameplay on PS5 performance mode 60fps in 4k resolution and the next HFW combat video on Very Hard Difficulty. Today we will be fighting the Apex Shellsnapper on VH Difficulty and completely embarrassing it by interrupting most of it's attacks (any Apex Machine weak to frost damage instantly becomes super easy to kill, even on the harder difficulties) GEAR USED Tenakth Dragoon Outfit The Sun Scourge Legendary Hunter Bow Forgefall Sharpshot Bow Death-Seekers Shadow Hunter Bow Hope you guys enjoy today's Forbidden West gameplay and thank you all for your continued support on the channel, it truly means a lot 🙏 The Horizon Forbidden West Ultra Hard gameplay will start next week, starting with a No Damage Apex Thunderjaw Fight (UH difficulty doesn't even show in the settings so I won't need to show it at the start of the video) SEARCH TERMS horizon forbidden west gameplay, horizon forbidden west ps5 gameplay, horizon forbidden west ps4, horizon forbidden west new update, horizon forbidden west very hard difficulty, forbidden west apex machines, forbidden west apex shellsnapper no damage, forbidden west turtle machine, horizon forbidden west legendary weapons, horizon forbidden west performance mode, hzd forbidden west, hzd forbidden west ps5 gameplay, hfw gameplay, hfw ps5 gameplay, forbidden west 4k 60fps gameplay, horizon forbidden west holdingcell games #horizon #horizonforbiddenwest #ps5



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