我們的世界賽之旅落幕,歐服爬分之旅也跟著結束。謝謝各位選手和後勤的努力,也謝謝各位粉絲的支持。朋友們,我們有緣在峽谷上再次見面。 喜歡我們的影片請大力地點擊喜歡 👍,也別忘記訂閱我們並開啟小鈴鐺喔🔔 - With the end of our Worlds run, our EUW SoloQ journey has also come to an end. We'd like to thank all our players and staff for their hard work in Iceland and our fans who have been supporting us throughout. With luck, we will meet our fellow solo-q warriors again on the rift! If you'd like to see more of this type of content, click the like 👍 and subscribe button to let us know!🔔 - Music Credit: "Steffen Daum - Awakening" is under a creative commons music license (CC BY 3.0) https://www.youtube.com/user/Gohma168 Music promoted by Breaking Copyright: https://bit.ly/awakening-song - 關注 Talon 各種資訊 Follow us on Social Media Instagram ---- https://www.instagram.com/psg_talonlol/ Twitter --------- https://twitter.com/PSG_Talon Facebook ---- https://www.facebook.com/psgtalonlol Twitch --------- https://www.twitch.tv/talonesports - #Worlds2021 #SOARWITHTALON #LOL #SoloQ - 感謝合作夥伴 Thanks to our partners: RECARO ----------- https://www.talon.gg/pages/recaro TWITCH ------------ https://www.twitch.tv/