小編第一次希望影片點擊不要太高,如果真的被罰錢就糟糕了。求求大家高抬貴手!我們超怕步上某哈後塵。 喜歡我們的影片請大力地點擊喜歡 👍 ,也別忘記訂閱我們並開啟小鈴鐺喔~🔔 - For the first time, we hope that the video views won't be too high. The Talon company cannot handle another fine. Please don't report us to the government! We are so afraid to follow in the footsteps of GamXX. If you'd like to see more of this type of content, click the like 👍 and subscribe button to let us know!🔔 - 關注 Talon 各種資訊 Follow us on Social Media Instagram ---- https://www.instagram.com/psg_talonlol/ Twitter --------- https://twitter.com/PSG_Talon Facebook ---- https://www.facebook.com/psgtalonlol Twitch --------- https://www.twitch.tv/talonesports - #Stream #Highlights #SOARWITHTALON #LOL - 感謝合作夥伴 Thanks to our partners: RECARO ----------- https://www.recaro.com/business-areas/gaming.html ViewGear ----------- https://viewgeargaminghk.com/ AORUS ------------- https://www.aorus.com/ TWITCH ------------ https://www.twitch.tv/